Photo Big Entertainment

Xabyne van Veen

Big Entertainment


Xabyne van Veen




User research | strategy | concept | UX design | UI and visual design | project lead


Xabyne van Veen
How to match the offerings in all entertainment with my preferences?
Dutch people enjoy visiting events, concerts, festivals and shows. However, it can be challenging to find all forms of entertainment, from exhibitions to shows, that appeal to your interests. Some cities took the initiative to create a centralized place with entertainment in their neighbourhood. However, there is no centralized place in The Netherlands where people can find all the available entertainment. Therefore, I decided to explore a way to make it easier for people to find entertainment that matches their interests.
Photo Big Entertainment
"I'm often too late to buy tickets to cool events that I wasn't aware of.


Big Entertainment allows you to easily select your preferences, from location and occasion to prize. This is possible in a variety of entertainment categories, such as festivals and shows, to ensure that you don't miss out on any events that interest you!
By A|B-testing I've discovered people prefer to navigate through the product as efficiently as possible. A preview of upcoming and popular festivals, concerts, shows, and events can be found on the homepage. You can scroll horizontally to see more of them individually or vertically to see more different types of entertainment.
Photo Big Entertainment
"All in one!

Centralized platform

What distinguishes this product from others is that it not only provides you with an overview of one type of entertainment, such as concerts but also allows you to view all entertainment on one platform throughout The Netherlands. This centralized place makes it easier and quicker to filter what you would like to do!
Photo Big Entertainment
Photo Big Entertainment
"Filter, click and get it!

Redirect to ticket seller

You can establish an account to save your preferences and interests to make your experience more personalized. When you find entertainment that excites you and you want to buy a ticket, you will be directed to the entertainment's ticket seller page.
Photo Big Entertainment
This project was initiated and developed by Xabyne van Veen.